Archive: 1, 2022

Notices - Sunday 31st July 2022

11.00am Creche for children up to age 2 in upstairs hall during service

11.00am Holiday Tweenies for children up to age 7 in main hall during service

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Service Details - Sunday 31st July 2022

11.00am English Service in the church conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on Scripture Portraits of the Church (3) Pillar and Buttress of Truth from 1 Timothy 3: 15 - Live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service in the Seminary conducted by Mr Murdo Martin who will preach on Geugan anns an Fhìonain from John 15: 5 - Live on YouTube

6.30pm English Service in the church conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on An Appeal to Pay Attention to God from Hebrews 2: 1-4 - Live on YouTube

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Notices Sunday 24th July

Creche: 11.00am in upper hall for children up to age 2.

Volunteers today: Elaine, Christine Smith, Chris Macaulay, Annmarie .

Volunteers 31st July: Christine Ann, Maighread, Donna Mackinnon, Emma.


Holiday Tweenies: 11.00 in the main hall for children aged 3-7.

Volunteers today: Elizabeth, Alison, Lily, Christina.

Volunteers 31st July: ChrissAnne, Kay, Joanne, Kate.


Wednesday 27th July 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary

and on Zoom led by Rev James Maciver.  


Thursday 28th July 7.30pm - Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary

led by Rev Kenneth Ferguson.


Saturday 30th July 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary

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Service Details - Sunday 24th July

11.00am English Service in the church conducted by Rev Kenneth I. Macleod who will preach on The Key that Christ Has from Revelation 3 v7 - Live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service in the Seminary conducted by Mr Murdo Martin who will preach on Uan Dhe from Exodus 12 v3 - Live on YouTube

6.30pm English Service in the church 

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Notices - Sunday 17th July

Thank you from God is Good Africa

Kenny John and the G.I.G.A. team sincerely thank all who supported their lunches this week. The amazing amount of over £5000.00 was raised which will be used to support the children and students in schools and colleges who are suffering difficult times of famine at this time, with many deaths in the area. May God continue to bless you.  Psalm 16

Kenny John

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Service Details - Sunday 17th July

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on Scripture Portraits of the Church – Part 2 from 1 Timothy 3:15 - Live on YouTube


6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Calum M. Smith who will preach on Naaman’s Healing from 2 Kings 5:1-19 - Live on YouTube

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Notices - Sunday 10th July

Thank you from Stornoway Christian Bookshop

The staff at the Christian Bookshop would like to convey their thanks to the Sunday School teachers for choosing to purchase their prize-giving books from us. We sincerely appreciate the support of our local churches at this time and throughout the year. May God continue to bless you.

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Service Details - Sunday 10th July

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith who will preach on Looking for a Way from John 14:6 - Live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver   who will preach on Ceistean a’ Giùlan Cinnteachd from Romanach 8:31-39 - Live on YouTube 


6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver

Who will preach on Gospel People and Gospel Power from Romans 1:8-17 - Live on YouTube

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Notices - Sunday 3rd July

God is Good Africa – G.I.G.A. Lunches

G.I.G.A. will be serving lunches in the M.A. Hall on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July to fundraise for the ongoing work in Africa. There will also be a stall with jams, chutneys, arts and crafts.

This will help with the ongoing work of Africa Bible University (Ishbel Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship), Lighthill School in Northern Uganda, and ‘Save the Venerable’ in Eastern Congo with Rev. Upoke.

Your support would be greatly appreciated. Please come along and enjoy the fellowship.

Blessings and Thanksgiving

Kenny John. Psalm 100.

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Service Details - Sunday 3rd July

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith who will preach on A Focus in the Midst of Change from Psalm 37:1-9 - Live on YouTube

6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on God’s Proclamation of His Name from Exodus 34:1-9 Live on YouTube

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