Category: Bulletin

Notices - Sunday 20th October

Safeguarding Training Course – Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm
The next online training course will be on Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm. This can be accessed on the Free Church of Scotland website. All those who have not yet completed the course must register and book their place no later than Thursday 24th October.

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Notices - Sunday 13th October

Vacancy Committee
The vacancy committee met for the first time on Tuesday 8th October. This puts us at the 'start line' of the process which, with the Spirit's leading, will bring the congregation to settle on who God would have to be your senior pastor. Be assured the committee will do their level best to represent your wishes in these  discussions. Please continue to pray as we move forward and start inviting ministers to preach.

Rev Colin Macleod

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Notices - Sunday 6th October

Friday 11th October from 2.30pm to 4.00pm – 55+ Fellowship
The speaker will be Peggy Mackay from the Western Isles Community Care Forum.  The Forum was established in 1992 to assist Voluntary Care organisations which represent the interests of carers and users of care services throughout the Western Isles.  The singing will be led by David Gray (Crossbost). If you need transport to or from the venue please do not hesitate to get in touch.  You can contact Duncan Norman on either of the numbers:

01851 860418 or 07787 973802

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Notices - Sunday 29th September

Preaching Day Conference: Faithful Men, Able to Teach.  
The Free Church Mission Board, in partnership with the Western Isles Presbytery, has organised a preacher's day conference to be held on Thursday
3rd October from 10.00am to 3.30pm
at the M.A. Macleod Memorial Hall, Kenneth Street. 


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Notices - Sunday 22nd September

Congregational Meeting
At the Congregational Meeting held on Wednesday 18th September, it was agreed to appoint a Vacancy Committee consisting of 12 elders, 6 deacons and 6 communicant members from the congregation.  The following were elected from the congregation - Annette Macphail, Roddy Cunningham, Garry Macleod, Gordon Duncan, Elaine Macmillan and Mairianne Campbell, who will serve along with Calum Campbell, Torquil Macleod, Ian M Macleod, Calum Mackenzie, Jack Libby, Doonie Macleod, Murdo A. Murray, Donald Buchanan, Marten Walker, Donald Macleod (Constable Rd), Joe MacPhee, Murdo Macleod, Elders; and with Gordon Kennedy, Donald Macleod, Duncan N Macleod, Shonnie Macritchie, Ian Macrae and Gordon Murray, Deacons. 

The Session Clerk, Joe Macphee, presented the Sustentation Fund Schedule and after all the relevant sections of the schedule were explained and a time for questions allowed, it was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Schedule.

The Assistant Minister presented a Draft Development Plan which is required to be forwarded to the Presbytery and onward to the Mission Board along with the Sustentation Fund Schedule.

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Notices - Sunday 8th September

Vacancy related matters
At its meeting on Monday 26th August, the Kirk Session discussed the feedback received regarding the composition of the Vacancy Committee which was appointed on 15th July.  While the committee was appointed in line with the practice followed in previous vacancies, the Kirk Session accepts that the appointment of the Vacancy Committee should be made at a congregational meeting. 

In anticipation of the Sustentation Fund Schedule being approved and the Development Plan being available, the Kirk Session has agreed that a congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 7.30 pm in the Seminary.  At this meeting, the Sustentation Fund Schedule will be presented for approval and a Vacancy Committee will be appointed. 

As Elders, we are committed to securing the full scope of congregational interest in filling the vacancy.  We encourage everyone to make it a matter of earnest prayer as we move forward with the process in the long-term interests of the gospel. 

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Notices - Sunday 18th August

Precept Scotland – Bible Study Training 6th – 7th September
Nigel Watts, national Director for Precept Scotland) will be returning to the island to deliver further inductive bible study training.

So often we can go through the motions with our quiet times, these sessions provide tools which anyone can use which facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of God's word leading you to know God deeply and live differently.

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Notices - Sunday 11th August

Scott and Fiona Macleod
As many of you will be aware, Scott’s time of ministry training here in the congregation is now coming to an end and he will continue his training for the final 2 years with the congregation of North Harris.

Scott and Fiona have been a great help in the congregation for many years now and will be missed, along with Katie Bell and Lilly May. They have been busy moving the past week to their new home which will be in Scalpay.

At the end of the morning service today, a small presentation will be made to them from the congregation.

We would like to assure them, and their families, of our ongoing support and prayers for this next phase, and that they are welcome back any time.

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Notices - Sunday 28th July

Cross Training Ministries – Men’s Conference
There are two men’s conference opportunities on the theme of ‘The Path to Spiritual Leadership’ planned for October. They are to be held in Gowanbank, Ayrshire, from 4th to 6th October, and also at Alltnacriche, Aviemore, from 11th to 13th October. More details about the conferences and how to sign up are available on a leaflet at the main door.

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Notices - Sunday 21st July

Champion’s Challenge Holiday Club: 29th July to 2nd August 2024
We are gearing up for a week of Olympic-themed fun and games at our summer club this year! We will be learning about our ultimate champion Jesus, and we are delighted to have a full squad of 80 children. 

Please pray for the volunteers in their preparation, for the children and their families who come and for God to receive all the glory.

If you would like to donate any (nut-free) baking for the club, please contact Evelyn on 07795 312924.

If you would like to contribute towards the costs of running the club, you are welcome to put your donation in an envelope clearly marked ‘Holiday Club’ and leave it in the collection plates at the church or Seminary.

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