Archive: 1, 2017

Bible Studies - Wisdom of James

OUTLINE OF STUDIES - WISDOM FROM JAMES 1.  How Can I be Steadfast Under Trials? – 1:1-122.  How Can I Possibly Rejoice in Trials? – 1:12-183. Read more about 'Bible Studies - Wisdom of James'...

Service Details - Sunday 31st December

11am English Service (Church)

Rev James Maciver


Psalm 102: 21-28 (Sing Psalms) p134

Psalm 115: 10-15 (Scottish Psalter) p395

Psalm 85: 6-13 (Scottish Psalter) p340

Psalm 65: 8-12 (Sing Psalms) p82

Reading: Matthew 13: 24-33

Sermon Text: Matthew 13:33

Sermon Title: Living Like Leaven

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod


Psalm 84: 7-11,

Psalm 27: 4-5,

Psalm 122: 7-9

Leughadh: Psalm 122

Earrain: Psalm 122

Tiotal: The Joy and Peace of God’s House

6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev James Maciver

Psalms: Psalm 106: 1-10 (Sing Psalms) p140

Psalm 79: 9-13 (Scottish Psalter) p332

Psalm 77: 15-20 (Sing Psalms) p101

Psalm 119: 129-133 (Scottish Psalter) p411

Reading: 1 Peter 1: 13-25

Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1: 17-21

Sermon Title: Study 8, First Peter-Hope and Holiness (2)

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 31st December'...

Rotas Sunday 31st December

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie, Kirsty, Megan

TWEENIES Alison, Naomi, Karen

TEAS Dolly and Karen Rotas Next Week


Read more about 'Rotas Sunday 31st December'...

Notices - Sunday 31st December

There is a crèche that meets in the hall next door to the church during the morning service: age 0-2yrs upstairs and age 3-7yrs (Holiday Tweenies) downstairs. Parents, you are welcome to take your children to the crèche/Tweenies at any time and please remember to sign them in.

No Sunday School today.


Monday 1st January- There will be a New Year’s Day service in the church at 12 noon. The special collection taken at this service will be used to support the excellent work of Campaigners within the congregation.

Please note there is NO monthly bilingual service at 7:30pm on Monday 1st January.

Midweek Meetings: All at 7.30pm

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 31st December'...

All ages are welcome to our family services on Sunday 24th December at 11am and 6.30pm in the church on Kenneth Street.

Families with young children are invited to sit together in the church from the start of the service. Creche and Tweenies are available in the hall during the morning service for any young children up to Primary 2 age but there will be no Sunday school.

Come along and hear from Rev KI Macleod at the morning service about how Jesus is the Good News and in the evening come along to learn from Rev James Maciver about which verse in the Bible contains this Good News in one sentence!

After the evening service we will have an informal get together for everyone, young and old, in the hall with mince pies and hot chocolate, a Christmas quiz and a few carols. Please come along and bring a friend. We will be finished by 9pm and there will be cake for anyone who doesn't like mince pies!

Please note there will be no Gaelic services on Sunday 24th December.

Read more about 'Family Services - 24 December'...

Service Details - Sunday 24th December

11am Family Service (Church) Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Sermon Title: Jesus is Good News

6.30pm Family Service (Church) Rev James Maciver

Sermon Title: The Gospel in One Sentence

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 24th December'...

Rotas - Sunday 24th December


CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen, Anna, Hannah

TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Donna

TEAS Erica and Katie Ann

Read more about 'Rotas - Sunday 24th December'...

Notices Sunday 24th December

Families please note that Tweenies and Creche WILL be available this Sunday (24th December) at the 11am morning service.

Families are encouraged to sit together in the church at the beginning of the 11am service (Tweenies will not meet in the hall before church and sit together as they normally would). Rev Kenneth I Macleod will lead the service and will give a children's talk as usual so parents are free to take children aged 3- P2 out to the hall for Holiday Tweenies during the second singing. But equally if your child is happy to sit with you in church then that's great!
Creche will be available upstairs in the hall as usual for babies and toddlers up to age 3.

Tea and coffee will be served in the hall after the service and everyone is very welcome.

No Sunday Schools today.


Christmas Eve Fellowship - a congregational fellowship will be held in the hall after the evening service tonight. This is for all ages and will continue the family theme which will mark both services today. It would therefore be wonderful to have families coming to the fellowship, which will finish no later than 9pm. We will have mince pies and a few other Christmas goodies and the minister will lead a Christmas Bible quiz for which each table will form a team. The quiz will not be hard so that the children can participate and the winning team will get extra Christmas goodies!  All warmly welcome.

Monthly Record- The December edition is now available.

Read more about 'Notices Sunday 24th December'...

Service Details - Sunday 17 December

11am English Service (Church) Rev James Maciver

Sermon Title: The Reformation (5)- To God’s Glory Alone

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev Kenneth I Macleod

6.30pm English Service (Church)  Rev James Maciver

Sermon Title: Hope and Holiness

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 17 December'...

Notices - Sunday 17 December

Services next week: 
11am English Service (Church): Rev Kenneth I Macleod (Family Service)
6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev James Maciver (Family Service)
No Gaelic Service

Tonight - Youth Fellowship will meet after the evening service in the Francis Street manse and all young people are most welcome.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 17 December'...

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