Notices - Sunday 24th March
Keswick Convention
There are seats available on the coach going to the Keswick Convention for the first week, departing Ullapool pier at 10.00am on Saturday 13th July and returning from Keswick a week later on the 20th. There are seats still available on the coach. Anyone interested has to arrange their own accommodation for the week, and pay the ferry as well. A flat for 4 has become available in Keswick that week. It has a double room, twin room, dining area, and sitting room. The apartment cost is about £950. Anyone interested in the travel by coach or the accommodation can contact David Morrison on 07753 957336 or [email protected].
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 24th March'...Sunday 12th March 2023 11.00am - Power Outage
Unfortunately, due to the power cut this morning's English and Gaelic services could not be recorded or Livestreamed.
Read more about 'Sunday 12th March 2023 11.00am - Power Outage'...Notices - Sunday 22nd January 2023
Muriel Gillies Support Fund
Many of you will know that the home of Muriel Gillies in Cromore, South Lochs, was completely destroyed by fire on Wednesday 18th January. Although we are thankful that Muriel escaped unhurt, she has still suffered the devastating loss of her home and belongings.
In order to help Muriel during this difficult time, Pairc Free Church have partnered with various community groups to set up a support fund which will be open until Friday 3rd February.
If you would like to contribute to this fund, you can leave a donation in a sealed envelope clearly marked ‘Gillies’ in the collection plates at the church or Seminary, or you can contribute by Bank Transfer to:
Pairc Free Church
Sort Code: 83 27 12
Account Number: 1600 2215
Reference: Gillies
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 22nd January 2023'...
Huge apologies to those of you who could not get on to the Zoom meeting tonight. We failed to take into consideration that our Zoom license only allows for meetings of up to 100 participants. We are so grateful for the number of people who desired to attend the meeting tonight but unfortunately some people were locked out once we maxed out our 100 limit.
In light of this, it was decided that the meeting could not go ahead and has been postponed until next week. The details of the meeting will be announced on Sunday but it is likely to be a hybrid meeting - both in person in the Seminary and online via Zoom to take place on Wednesday 23rd March.
Please pass this information on to others you may know, especially those who don’t have email or internet access.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Christian Charities Linked to Ukraine
The links below are to Christian charities with well established connections in Eastern Europe.
Read more about 'Christian Charities Linked to Ukraine'...Blythswood Eastern Europe Appeal
SATURDAY 12th MARCH 9.30am - 1.00pm
Read more about 'Blythswood Eastern Europe Appeal'...
Free Church Youth Camps are back for 2022! Booking is now open -
Read more about 'Free Church Youth Camps - Book Now'...
Stornoway Free Church Women for Mission
The last year has been very difficult for everyone. But the work of the Lord still goes on and it is our duty to do what we can to support those less fortunate than ourselves. With this in mind the WFM committee have continued to meet regularly through the wonders of technology to try and do what we can to support the various missions that we agreed on earlier in the year.
The four missions are :
The Leprosy Mission in India
Scripture Union Scotland
Moldova Support Group
WFM Disaster & Relief Fund
For more information you can download the leaflet or go to our website at
If anyone wishes to make a donation you can also donate online - details for this are also on that site. Donations can also be given in an envelop marked ‘WFM’ and put in the collection plate at any of the services.
This year we hope to host a ‘virtual’ meeting live on ‘you tube’ on Saturday 22nd May at 2pm.
The main speakers are:
- A representative from Scripture Union
- David Macpherson from Peru
The project for 21/22 will also be launched that day and there will be a singing by CJ Macdonald (nee Martin).
I hope and pray you will be able to support us in whatever way you can.
God bless you all,
Donna Maciver
Read more about 'WFM Update'...Lakhnadon Christian Hospital, India
The Lakhnadon Christian Hospital in India has been virtually closed for two years as no doctor was available to work there. Many members of staff were transferred to other Emmanuel Hospital Association units. The Administrator, Mr Neeti Raj Nand, and his wife, nurse Shanti, continue to look after the property. Nurse Shanti provides palliative care in the community which spans an area up to 30 km from the hospital. Because of lack of income the hospital is in financial deficit though it has had some support from other EHA units, but they are also under severe pressure due to the Covid pandemic. There is also the real danger of encroachment on the property.
EHA now has identified a doctor couple, including a surgeon, to serve in LCH from June/July 2021. They will also have to assemble the necessary nursing and paramedical staff and the buildings need renovation. DVN Netherlands, of the Reformed Churches, who have helped PFC, the schools and the hospital in the recent past, are keen to support the work once the new team is in place.
It would be wonderful if friends in the Free Church of Scotland, many of whom supported the medical work in India throughout the twentieth century, could help out at this critical time. For anyone who wishes support the hospital, donations can be sent through the Donations page on the Free Church of Scotland website - Donate & Pay - Free Church of Scotland. The donation description /reference entered should clearly show the donation is for “EHA Lakhnadon”.
Please contact Màiri MacPherson at [email protected] for further information.
Click here to find out more about the Emmanuel Hospital Association
Read more about 'Lakhnadon Christian Hospital, India'...
The Deacons’ Court is delighted to announce the appointment of Roddy Martin as the new Church Officer for the congregation. Roddy is no stranger to any of us as he has a lifetime’s association with the congregation and has served it well as a member, a deacon and an elder for many years.
Though now retired, Roddy’s working life was spent in the Harris Tweed industry and his most recent role was as the Sales Manager of Harris Tweed Hebrides at the Shawbost Mill.
Roddy is married to Christine and they have three daughters and eight grandchildren.
We have no doubt but that Roddy will be well supported by the congregation and we wish him God’s richest blessing as he commences his duties on 1st April 2021.
We also take this opportunity of sincerely thanking Donnie Macleod, the retiring Church Officer, for his exemplary service over the past seven years and pray that he’ll have a long and healthy retirement. We intend to more formally mark Donnie’s service when the current Covid related restrictions are sufficiently eased.
Read more about 'New Church Officer'...