Archive: 1, 2021

Church Services Resume: Important Information

Since 26th April the restrictions on numbers attending places of worship is no longer capped at 50 but is still subject to 2metre physical distancing between households. Capacity is now determined by the size of a building and on how many people attend on their own or in larger household groups. Children under 5 are not counted in determining the number of people who can be accommodated.

Taking social distancing into account, the number that can currently be safely accommodated in the Kenneth Street church is 120; 60 on each floor. For the Seminary the number is 75. For both places, the number will be reviewed regularly and adjusted as attendance patterns become clearer.

The Kirk Session has decided that from Sunday 2nd May the services will be as follows:

Kenneth Street - English Services at 11.00am at 6.30pm.
Seminary (Francis Street) - Gaelic service at 11.00am.
(This will be a joint service with the High Free Church)

Bookings for Kenneth Street services - change to current arrangements: Bookings for the services on Sunday 2nd May only should be made with Alasdair Macleod (Elder) as per the email address and telephone number previously issued.

For the Kenneth Street services on Sunday 9th May and onwards, these will now be taken by Lorraine Shewan. The preferred method of contacting Lorraine is by email on [email protected]. She can also be contacted by text or telephone on 07720321081. Bookings for each week should be made no later than 6.00pm the previous Friday. When booking by email please make clear the service or services you want to attend and the names and contact telephone number of everyone attending from your household. If you are making a booking for someone who is not a member of your household you should point this out at the time.

Read more about 'Church Services Resume: Important Information'...

Stornoway Free Church Women for Mission

The last year has been very difficult for everyone. But the work of the Lord still goes on and it is our duty to do what we can to support those less fortunate than ourselves. With this in mind the WFM committee have continued to meet regularly through the wonders of technology to try and do what we can to support the various missions that we agreed on earlier in the year.

The four missions are :

The Leprosy Mission in India
Scripture Union Scotland
Moldova Support Group
WFM Disaster & Relief Fund

For more information you can download the leaflet or go to our website at

If anyone wishes to make a donation you can also donate online - details for this are also on that site. Donations can also be given in an envelop marked ‘WFM’ and put in the collection plate at any of the services.


This year we hope to host a ‘virtual’ meeting live on ‘you tube’ on Saturday 22nd May at 2pm.

The main speakers are:

  • A representative from Scripture Union
  • David Macpherson from Peru

The project for 21/22 will also be launched that day and there will be a singing by CJ Macdonald (nee Martin).

I hope and pray you will be able to support us in whatever way you can.

God bless you all,

Donna Maciver

Read more about 'WFM Update'...

Sunday 25th April

Worship Services on Sunday 25th April

11.00am Service - In-Person Service in the Seminary, Francis Street

Please contact Alasdair Macleod to book your place in the Seminary - 07810691033 or by email to [email protected]

This service will be streamed live on the Free Church Seminary Stornoway YouTube channel

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on ‘Simeon is Ready to Go’ from Luke 2:25-29.


6.30pm Service: Streamed Live on Stornoway Free Church YouTube Channel (No in-person service in the evening)

Rev James Maciver continues his series on The Miracles of Jesus, looking at 'The Greatest Miracle of All!' from John 20:1-10.


Read more about 'Sunday 25th April'...

Additional Church Services from Sunday 2nd May

Announcement by the Kirk Session about additional services.
The Kirk Session has decided to begin using the church building on Kenneth Street for services on the Lord’s Day, beginning on Sunday 2nd May. The Session also decided to begin the Sunday morning Gaelic service on the same date. The Covid-19 restrictions and regulations currently in place will apply until we are advised otherwise. This means attendance is restricted meantime to a maximum of 50 at each service. The session room will also be available for those who wish to utilise it and they will form part of the 50 total.

Unfortunately there will be no creche, Tweenies or Sunday school provision initially. This will be reviewed as restrictions ease. Families are still most welcome to attend the services. 

There will be no minibus transport option. This will also be reviewed as restrictions ease.

As previously announced, the Gaelic service will be a joint service with the Gaelic section of the Stornoway High Free Church. Stornoway High Free will continue to hold their evening English service in the Seminary at 6.30pm.

Read more about 'Additional Church Services from Sunday 2nd May'...

Wednesday 21st April - Midweek Meeting

Join us tonight at 7:30pm for the midweek meeting online via Zoom or in person in the Seminary (booking required).

Rev Kenneth I Macleod will preach on ‘Peter Has a Lot to Learn’ from John 13:7-8.

Order of service:
Praise: Psalm 139:1-10 (Scottish Psalter)
Scripture Reading: John 13
Sermon: ‘Peter Has a Lot to Learn’ from John 13:7-8.
Praise: Psalm 25:4-7 (Scottish Psalter)

The Zoom link remains the same as previous weeks. Information on booking to attend in person can be found here


Read more about 'Wednesday 21st April - Midweek Meeting'...

Sunday 18th April

Worship Services on Sunday 18th April

11.00am Service - In-Person Service in the Seminary, Francis Street

Please contact Alasdair Macleod to book your place in the Seminary - 07810691033 or by email to [email protected]

This service will be streamed live on the Free Church Seminary Stornoway YouTube channel

Rev James Maciver continues his series on The Miracles of Jesus, looking at Luke 8:26-39 where Jesus heals a man with a demon.


6.30pm Service: FacebookYouTube, Sermons page (No in-person service in the evening)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on ‘God Can - Idols Cannot’ from Isaiah 44:18-22 in this worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Sunday 18th April'...

Sunday 11th April

Worship Services on Sunday 11th April

11.00am - In-Person Service in the Seminary

Please contact Alasdair Macleod to book 07810691033 or by email to [email protected]

This service will be streamed live on the Free Church Seminary Stornoway YouTube channel

Rev James Maciver preaches on “Ephphatha” – a Liberating Word from Jesus! from Mark 7:31-37.


6.30pm Service: Facebook, YouTube, Sermons page (No in-person service in the evening)

Mr Scott Macleod preaches on ‘Bitter Battle and Sweet Surrender’ from 1 Samuel 18:1-2 in this worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Sunday 11th April'...

Return of 2021 Freewill Offering envelopes

Now that restrictions on attending places of worship have been eased, the Wednesday evening prayer meeting has resumed and at least one service of worship will be held in the Seminary each Lord’s Day from 4th April. This also means that those who attend these services can deposit their freewill offering envelopes in the collection box on arrival.

For those who contribute by freewill offering envelopes, and who may not be able or ready to attend public services of worship, an opportunity will be given to deposit envelopes as per the following:

1. On Saturday 10th April between 2.00 and 4.00pm the church hall on Kenneth Street will be open to receive freewill offering envelopes.
2. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity you should come along during these times or arrange for a family member or a friend to deliver the envelopes on your behalf.
3. You can also contact your district elder or deacon and arrange a time for one of them to collect the envelopes from your home.
4. On arrival at the hall, a one way system will be in place and you will enter by the main door and leave using the exit door at the far end of the hall.
5. Wearing of face coverings is mandatory and should be worn while you are inside the hall.
6. Office bearers will be on hand to guide you towards the area for depositing the envelopes.
7. Hand sanitisers will be available for use at both doors and it’s important that you maintain the recommended 2 metre social distancing while inside and outside the hall.

The above arrangement will be repeated on the second Saturday of each month while restrictions on numbers attending services of worship are in place.

Special Collection for Bethesda:
As the Special Collection for Bethesda intended for 30th January had to be cancelled due to the Western Isles suddenly being placed under tier 4 restrictions, another opportunity will be given to those who still wish to contribute on Saturday 10th April between 2.00 and 4.00pm.

Contributions can also be made by forwarding a cheque in an envelope clearly marked ‘Bethesda’ and made payable to ‘Stornoway Free Church’ to Murdo Macphail (Treasurer), 12a Jamieson Drive, Stornoway, HS1 2LF.

Read more about 'Return of 2021 Freewill Offering envelopes'...

Sunday 4th April

Worship Services on Easter Sunday

11.00am - In-Person Service in the Seminary

Please contact Alasdair Macleod to book 07810691033 or by email to [email protected]

This service will be streamed live on the Free Church Seminary Stornoway YouTube channel

Rev James Maciver preaches on 'A Preview of the Resurrection' from Luke 7:11-17.


6.30pm Service: Facebook, YouTube, Sermons page (No in-person service in the evening)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on ‘Not Here - Risen!’ from Matthew 28:1-10 in this worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Sunday 4th April'...
