Archive: 1, 2020

Service Details - Sunday 30 August

11am Service: Facebook, YouTube and our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'The Bright Path of the Christian'  from Proverbs 4:18 in this worship service recorded at home.

6.30pm Service: Facebook Live

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God's Questions, preaching on '"Do You Want to Go Away As Well?" from John 6:66-69 in this worship service streamed live from home.

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Service Details - Sunday 23 August

11.00am Service: Facebook Livestream

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God’s Questions looking at the question, “Do you understand what I have done to you?” from John 13:12 in this worship service livestreamed from home.


6.30pm Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'What Jesus Became for Us' from Hebrews 2:17-18 in this morning worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 23 August '...

Update on Church Offering Envelopes

Facility for depositing freewill offering envelopes

When the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to close our buildings for public worship in March of this year, few of us imagined that the period of lockdown would continue for as long as it has.  For a congregation the size of ours, it may still be some weeks before we can gather to worship God together.

Although our buildings remain closed the work and wider mission of our church continues, albeit in a very different way.  Services of worship are broadcast every Lord’s Day; we come together for prayer every week through audio/visual technology and we’ve maintained online facilities for the youngsters in our congregation.  We also continue to support the wider work and witness of our church in its support for many missionary endeavours and as it reaches out with the gospel in our cities, our towns and in many rural communities. 

We are extremely thankful for the generosity of all those who have contributed to the funds of the congregation by Standing Order, cheque donations or BACS transfer.  We are also keenly aware that the protracted period of lockdown has denied those who prefer to contribute by weekly freewill offering envelopes an opportunity to do so.  For those who wish to contribute in this way, a facility for doing so will be made available as per the following:

  1.  On Wednesday 26th August and on Saturday 29th August the church hall on Kenneth Street will be open between 2.00 and 4.00pm to receive freewill offering envelopes.
  2.  If you who wish to take advantage of this opportunity you should come along during these times, or arrange for a family member or a friend to deliver the envelopes on your behalf.
  3. You can also contact your district elder or deacon and arrange a time for one of them to collect the envelopes from your home. 
  4. On arrival at the hall, a one way system will be in operation and you will enter by the main door and leave using the exit door at the far end of the hall.
  5. Wearing of face coverings is now mandatory and should be worn while you are inside the hall. 
  6. Office bearers will be on hand to guide you towards the area for depositing the envelopes. 
  7.  Hand sanitisers will be available at both doors and it’s important that you maintain the recommended 2 metre social distancing on your arrival and while you are inside the hall.  

You will be enriched in every way for all your generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.  2 Corinthians 9:11


Read more about 'Update on Church Offering Envelopes'...

Service Details - Sunday 16th August

11 am Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Mr. Scott Macleod preaches on the ‘Cloak of Consolation' from 2 Kings 2:13 in this morning’s worship service.

6.30 pm Service: Facebook Livestream

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God’s Questions looking at the question, “Why are you Weeping? Whom are you Seeking?”  from John 20:15 in this evening worship service live-streamed from his home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 16th August'...

Service Details - Sunday 9 August

11am Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'How to Deal with Anxieties' from 1 Peter 5:7 in this morning worship service recorded at home.

6.30pm Service: Facebook Livestream

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God’s Questions looking at the question, “Who Touched my Garments?”  from Mark 5:24-34 in this evening worship service livestreamed from his home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 9 August'...

The Western Isles Presbytery has set aside Mondays at 8pm as a time of prayer. Our congregation will hold a monthly online prayer meeting to coincide with this. The next of these will be tomorrow, Monday 3rd August at 8pm on Zoom and will continue monthly after that. Please email [email protected] if you would like the link to this meeting.

Read more about 'Monthly Monday Prayer Meeting'...

Service Details - Sunday 2 August 2020

11am Service: Facebook Livestream (Click here)

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God’s Questions looking at the question, “How Can I Give You Up?”'  from Hosea 11:8-9 in this morning worship service livestreamed from his home.


6.30pm Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'The Light of God's Glory Changes Things' from Isaiah 40:3-5 in this evening worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 2 August 2020'...
