News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 31st December

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.
Volunteers 7th January: Elaine, Christine Smith, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.                                


Holiday Tweenies: 11.00am in the main hall for children aged 3-7.
Volunteers today: ChrissAnne, Anna and Gillian.
Volunteers 7th January: Elizabeth, Angela and Alison.

No Sunday School
and Bible Class today due to school holidays. We will start the new term on 7th January.

Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and Coffee will be served by Murdo and Kathetta.


Monday 1st January at 12.00 midday – English service in the church conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church). There will be a creche available in the upper hall. Everyone is invited to a time of fellowship in the M.A. Hall after the service.

Please note that a Special Collection will be taken at this service for the congregation’s Explorer groups.


There will be no Monthly Prayer Meeting on Monday evening.


Tuesday 2nd January at 11.00am – Prayer and Update with Muriel.


Wednesday 3rd January at 7.30pm – Bible Study in the M.  A. Hall led by Rev Calum M. Smith. We will be continuing with the topic of “Six Steps to Loving You Church.”


Thursday 4th January at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.


Explorers will not be meeting this week. We start on Thursday 11th January.

Saturday 6th January at 11.00am – Ladies Walking Group.
Meet at the Castle Museum car park.

Saturday 6th January at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting
in the Seminary.

Lord’s Day 7th January at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.


Services next Lord’s Day – 7th January
English Service at 11.00am (Church) – Rev James Maciver
Gaelic Service at 11.00am (Seminary) – Mr Murdo Martin
English Service at 6.30pm (Church) – Rev Calum M. Smith


Lord’s Day Observance Society
The annual L.D.O.S. prayer meeting will take place at 9.00pm on Lord’s Day 7th January in the APC church on Keith Street, God willing. All are welcome.


We were sorry to hear that Miss Catrina Anne Taylor (Trina), Ardseileach Centre, had passed away.

We pray that God will comfort all members of her families. We express our sincere condolences to her mother Sylvia; sister Maggie with her daughter Mia; sister Fiona and her husband Steven with their son Craig; and all other relatives and friends of Catrina.


Fridays at the Free
We have enjoyed a busy year, and we wish to thank everyone who contributed.

We are looking for more volunteers to help in a variety of ways. Please see the sign-up sheet at the doors for ways you can serve as part of this outreach.

If you would like more information, speak to Calum Murdo, or come along.

Islands Study Conference
The conference relaunches on the weekend of 2nd to 4th February 2024.

The lectures will be held in the North Harris Free Church to which all are welcome to attend. The speakers will be Rev John Macleod, Allander Evangelical Church and Rev David Court, Christ Church Edinburgh.

No pre-booking is required for the lectures. There is a residential accommodation option available in the Harris Hotel for the duration of the conference.

For further information or to book accommodation or meals please contact: [email protected].


Heart for Asia
Heart for Asia is an informative event for anyone interested in encouraging young children to develop a passion for mission in East Asia.

The event will take place online on Saturday 27th January 2024 from 10.00am until 12.00pm.

For registration and more information contact Vatha Theodald: [email protected].

More information can be found on


The Gate of the Year 

I said to the man 
who stood at the gate of the year,
'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.'

And he replied,
'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way!'

So I went forth and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.

And he led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

Minnie Louise Harkins 1875-1957

Our prayer as we look towards 2024 is that we will:

…grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

2 Peter 3:18