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Service Details - Sunday 11th September

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith   and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 16: 1-6 – Sing Psalms (p16)
Children’s Address and Lord’s Prayer (on next page)
Praise: Psalm 16: 7-11 – Sing Psalms (p17)
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2: 17 to 3: 13
Praise: Psalm 42: 1-5 - Sing Psalms (p53)
Sermon Text: 1 Thessalonians 3: 1-13
Sermon Title: The Gift and Blessing of Faith
Praise: Psalm 117: 1-2 – Scottish Psalter (p397)



11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver   and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)

Order of Service
Moladh: Salm 99: 1-5
Leughadh: Taisbeanadh Eòin 4
Moladh: Salm 106: 47-48
Searmon: Taisbeanadh 4:1-11
Tiotal: Dorus Fosgailte ar Nèamh
Moladh: Salm 93: 1-2
Am Beannachadh



6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 138: 1-8 – Sing Psalms (p179)
Praise: Psalm 61: 1-5 – Scottish Psalter (p293)
Reading: The Letter of Jude
Praise: Psalm 124: 1-8 – Sing Psalms (p170)
Sermon Text: Jude verses 24-25
Sermon Title: A Preservation for a Presentation
Praise: Psalm 121: 1-8 – Scottish Psalter (p416)