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Midweek Bible Study - Joseph(4)


Wednesday 3rd July

Joseph – A Life of Integrity and Wisdom

Session 4

From Prison to Prime Minister

Passage for Study: Genesis 40:1 – 41:36

Outline of Talk:

* Joseph had a remarkable “prison ministry” through the Lord being with him. The two new prisoners – Pharaoh’s chief cup bearer and chief baker – both had dreams interpreted by Joseph, containing very different outcomes. Notice Joseph’s clear statement about God (40:8) as the first point in his reply to them.

* His interpretation of each dream was fulfilled exactly – restoration and execution respectively! This would have been clear evidence to the chief cupbearer that Joseph was God’s agent and thus reliable. Yet despite Joseph’s request in 40:14-15, he forgot all about him!

* Chapter 41:1 provides us with a timeframe. All this time Joseph was in prison. God’s timetable is often at variance with ours, but there is always purpose in what we might regard as delay. You will be able to explore this in Question 1.
* In chapter 41 we have more dreams - this time it’s Pharaoh’s turn. And he’s afraid (v8)! The most powerful man in the world at that time and he has the same fears as other human beings! So, he sent for his professional magicians and wise men, told them his dreams, but they were stumped!

* Joseph is summoned to come and help! He has come straight from prison, had a quick wash and shave, yet is not overawed in the presence of Pharaoh! He is used to being in the presence of a greater King! Joseph is then given an opportunity to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. What an opportunity to make a name for himself, impress Pharaoh and be honoured by him! But instead he immediately gives all the credit to his God (v. 16), making it clear to Pharaoh where his ability comes from!

* Joseph’s assessment includes the “fixedness” of God’s will and plan (v. 32). Pharaoh has no power to arrange or change the situation. Providence is God’s prerogative and the events of history are all pre-purposed by him. Pharaoh was regarded in Egypt as a god (son of “Ra”), but he is a helpless human being in comparison to Joseph’s God!

Questions for Discussion Session:

1) Joseph remained in prison for all of two years after the chief cupbearer had left, having asked him to mention him truthfully to Pharaoh. Discuss the following in relation to his situation.
a. “The one who abandons faith in a time of spiritual drought is like the fool who abandons his pitcher the first day the well is dry” (William Gurnall).
b. "The godly have some good in them, therefore the devil afflicts them; and some evil in them, therefore God afflicts them” (Thomas Watson).
c. "Those times when you feel like quitting can be times of great opportunity, for God uses your troubles to help you grow" (Warren Wiersbe). Compare Romans 4:20-21

2) Pharaoh’s “experts” could not give the meaning of his dreams, nor could they relieve his fear, but Joseph’s God-given wisdom did. This shows the inadequacy of worldly wisdom. Discuss the implications of this in relation to the following:

a. The call to remove Christian principles from public life – in education, politics, health matters, etc.
b. the view of some Christian groups that we need to amend the Bible’s “norms” for human sexuality, gender, marriage, family, and related issues, so as to catch up with the trends now commonly believed and practised today.

 3) What does Joseph’s lack of fear and awe in Pharaoh’s presence teach us about:

a. our relationship with God;
b. our witnessing for God before the world;
c. the connection between a. and b. above.

 4) Joseph’s route to being placed by Pharaoh in charge of all Egypt involved leaving a loving father, being rejected by his brothers, suffering in a prison in Egypt, being let down by the chief cupbearer, release at the command of Pharaoh and then promotion. How many features of Christ’s path to glory does this remind you of?

 5) If the minister asked you to speak to the Sunday School about three important things you have learned from this study, what would these be?